ROCKSTAR work image
iPhone - Thought of a cool idea for an ad for iPhone. Check out the work image.
iPhone Work Image - Thought of a cool idea for an ad for iPhone.
Diamond Dust - See work image.
Diamond Dust Work Image - Mainly retouched her skin and did some dental work lol. When I first saw the image I envisioned a sparkling butterfly floating in her hands so I went with it.
BOSS - Created an Ad for BOSS. Spec Work.
BOSS Work Image - Created an Ad for BOSS. Spec Work.
altitude Work Image
Roman Goddess - Inspired from the movie 300. The scene where the oracle seems to float in mid air with flowing sheets. I saw this image and built the background to create this interesting composition.
Godess Work Image
In Loving Memory - One of my best friends passed away in Iraq May 6th, 2007. I designed this to be presented next to him at his wake. I Love You Vin, its gonna be tough with out you!
Photo Retouching/Compositing - Models were both retouched and composited together from separate pictures. I used this to practice highlights and shadows to look as though it was one picture. This was also going towards the feel of a magazine ad.
Photo Retouching/Compositing - Model was retouched and the feel for this piece was a magazine cover or brochure for electronics.
Photo Retouching
C6 Z06 - Poster design for 2007 C6 Z06
Spec Work

Concept art. Some of these compositions were ideas that came to me as interesting ideas for ads.

Deni Belanich
Sr. Designer New York, NY