Meat used as open wound on both faces.
Bark used as scaly rash on nose and exposed veins on necks.
Leather used as burned spot on cheek.
Background, 2013. Taken at Greystone Park in Denville, NJ.
Original Portrait One, 2013. It is a self-portrait.
Original Portrait Two, 2013. It is a self-portrait.
(First Edit) Zombie One, 2013.
(First Edit) Zombie Two, 2013
When Zombies Attack, 2013.

I used tools such as the eraser tool, the selection tool, the brush tool with hardness down and opacity low; I used the gradient tool, I used a color filter, I used multiple layers and had to select certain images onto one layer, I used the burn and dodge tools, I blended different textures onto one picture, all to create a scary zombie portrait!