The protagonist of the game will have to maneuver his/her way on perilous ice, careful not to drop into freezing cold waters. Along the way, their distance will be shrouded by terrifying snow storms, and ice monsters will appear, ready to freeze the poor protagonist to death. They will have to use their meager magical powers to melt their way through to victory!
Footstep of the Ice King: There are footsteps scattered across the world from the ancient ruler of the ice, before he disappeared and his ice beings went crazy. When the protagonist steps into his footsteps, they are temporally granted ice immunity, so that the ice creatures have no effect on them!
Wanderer's Whisp: A frozen, yellow stalk that shows the protagonist the way to go in order to finish the level. They are found only in places that you must risk your life to get to. It's either die, or slowly freeze, lost in the maze of a level.
In a world of white, color draws the eye. The protagonist must be wary of the differences this level may provide. All that glitters is not gold, and death may come to all who don't acknowledge this.
Game Art

What is Depth of Field?

Depth of Field is the distance in which things can appear in a photo. With a high depth of field, a large portion of your photo will be in focus - from the mountains in the background to the couple in the front. A shallow depth of field is when only a certain thing is in focus, such as a bundle of flowers out of focus, but the ladybug on top in focus.