As Designers, we always think about comfort an object can bring into our life. The idea of making things comfortable is a major driver and plays an important role in Design. Such factors made me curious to think critically about the affirmative design and led me to take a creative risk by exploring the term- “Uncomfortable” as a decisive aspect of design. Uncomfortable Design - explores both physical and psychological aspects of the term ‘Uncomfortable’ as applied in design in specific context and provides a critique of the prevailing situation thorough designs that embody alternative social and cultural values. Here
MFA Thesis - Uncomfortable Design

The Concept of Uncomfortable Design is manifested in my designed objects as an underlying question in our value system by designs that delight, transcend and provoke.

The primary goal is to deliver a deliberate message, one potent enough to spark contemplation, discussion, and debate. These objects are agents of Social change and not intended for production for mass consumption.
Design is based on the premise of improving user experiences, usability and a notion of positive product. In an attempt to challenge the conventional notion of design, I challenge the very premise that design is based on- to achieve comfort. I want to use uncomfortable design as a channel to address the hidden discomfort society experiences psychologically want to explore the way an uncomfortable design can become a means for dialogue, reflection and reaction to the tabooed topics which arise psychological and moral discomfort.

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Deepa Butoliya
Phd candidate and Instructor at School of Design, Carnegie Mellon... Pittsburgh, PA