I used the word mapping method while brainstorming to determine direction for my design process.
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Mapping of existing anti rape devices on a diametrical matrix . I am drawn towards exploring more critical and extreme solution, one that preempts revenge.
Image board for creating visual language
Based on the ancient myth of -'VaginaDentata' across several cultures in which the story goes such that some women were feared to have teeth in there vagina. This myth was used to discourage adultery and intercourse with strange women. In this concept the purpose is to create an object which is meant to raise questions on our existing social and cultural values.
The final concept - Dentata is a wearable device that has sharp tentacles deadly enough to hurt the attacker. It empowers the person wearing it and at the same time generates fear in the mind of attacker. The absurdity of this design points out to the fact that how helpless we are in protecting half of earth's population from this heinous crime.
Anti Rape Device- Dentata

This device challenges the critical response given to a woman from the society while addressing the uncomfortable topic of Rape, that being “ Don’t get raped”

The discomfort created both psychologically and physically serves the purpose of design to reflect and create dialogue on the sensational topic.

The Design generates a hideous visual appeal symbolizing the very
Notion of rape and embodies a hint of black humor by using aesthetic quality of a Medieval Torture Device .

Deepa Butoliya
Phd candidate and Instructor at School of Design, Carnegie Mellon... Pittsburgh, PA