Publication Systems Design, emergency preparedness materials

The American Red Cross’s Tsunami Recovery Program developed a 15-publication series of emergency preparedness documents based on best practices learned from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

The publications would be divided into three types, based on the intended audience. All publications were to use the same cover scheme of a figurative illustration and a color block for the title. The interiors would use a similar grid and aesthetic.

The first two images are a white paper for use by headquarters staff. The streamlined content was enlivened by adding client-selected call outs to the sidebar.

The rest of the images are a manual for use by field and headquarters staff. The challenge was to organize a variety of content types--chapter openings and summaries, chapter sections and section summaries, chapter subsections, boxes, case studies, charts, tables, photos, and captions.The pages also have chapter wayfinding with pseudo thumb tabs and chapter titles along the outer margins.

Deborah Eckbreth
Award-winning Graphic Designer Arlington, VA