Where in the World is Osama? - Cover illo for American Spectator
Santa Obama - Cover illo for Youth Today about programs once cut by the Bush administration now looking for life with Obama administration.
WWE Body Oddity series/ Hiccup - Caricature of Cena, a WWE Wrestling Talent, for a feature about various body oddities.
WWE Body Oddity series/ Anatomy of a laugh - Caricature of Santino, a WWE Wrestling Talent, for a feature about various body oddities.
WWE Body Oddity series/ Stomach Growl - Caricature of Umaga, a WWE Wrestling Talent, for a feature about various body oddities.
WWE Body Oddity Series, Red Eye - Caricature of Kane, a WWE Wrestling Talent, for a feature about various body oddities.
WWE Body Oddity Series, Brain Freeze - Caricature of Khali, a WWE Wrestling Talent, for a feature about various body oddities.
WWE Body Oddity Series, Sleeping Feet - Caricature of the Miz, a WWE Wrestling Talent, for a feature about various body oddities.
WWE Body Oddity Series, Goose bumps - Caricature of Mark Henry, a WWE Wrestling Talent, for a feature about various body oddities.
WWE Body Oddity Series, Pruny fingers - Caricature of Hornswoggle, a WWE Wrestling Talent, for a feature about various body oddities.
Caricature of a Creative Director
Is that Stephen King eating next to us? - Funny feature about vacationing in Maine. For DownEast Magazine.
So Long Bush - November cover art for American Spectator Magazine.
Summer wrestlin' - Spread illo for WWE kids magazine
WWE Map - Map illo of WWE celebrities.
Christmas Card for Technekes Inc.
Dean MacAdam
About Dean..... San Diego, CA