From the Studio of dcHAUS - STOP THE CRA CRA
Design Motif from dcHAUS
Design Motif from the Studio of dcHAUS
UHURA - Design Motif from dcHAUS
Design Motif from dcHAUS Studio, KEEP MOVING
"TIME FADES", design motif from dcHAUS
Design Motif. Like the shapes. Easy to know what here are.
Design Motif, Spock
Set Phasers To Stun. Last in the series of Star Trek design motifs. The plan is produce large scale painting/mural of the entire set.
Design Motif - Star Trek Series
Design Motif. Series of designs motifs based on Star Trek iconify.
Design Motif by dcHAUS. Title: U MAY KNOW JESUS.
Design Motif by dcHAUS. Title: SEA HAWKS
Design Motif by dcHAUS. Title: Make it HAPPEN
Design Motif by dcHAUS. Title: Time IS A GiFT
Design Motif by dcHAUS. Title: ACT
Design Motif by dcHAUS. Title: JESUS The 1 SAVIOR
Design Motif by dcHAUS. Title: You are what you EAT
Design Motif by dcHAUS. Title: YOU GOT THIS
Design Motif by dcHAUS. Title: 4 FACE
Design Motif by dcHAUS. Title: get at the HEART OF the MATTER
Design Motif by dcHAUS. Title: VISUALIZE GRACE
Design Motif by dcHAUS. Title: TODAY BE A SHINNING STAR
Design Motif by dcHAUS. Title: CLEAR A PATH
Design Motif by dcHAUS. Title: PERSONAL DEPOSIT
Design Motif by dcHAUS. Title: Find a PATH
Design Motif by dcHAUS. Title: SHOW NO FEAR
Design Motif by dcHAUS. Title: EMPOWERMENT
Design Motif, for lockdown
Design Motif that illustrate what my state of mind for these times.
Design Motifs + Illustration

Hand-crafted personal motif designs from the dcHAUS stretch journal

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Darryl Collins
Creative Coach / Designer / Brand Design Expert Seattle, WA