Hard Cider - I created two illustrations, then created bottle labels out of them. I then photographed them on bottles to demonstrate how an illustration can be used to create a product.
Hard Cider - The apple illustration on a label. I drew the banner in the illustration because the label didn't look right when I tried to add it through Illustrator. It looked like it was just plopped in there.
Hard Cider - The label was placed on a bottle to demonstrate how an illustration can be used to create a product. Photography by Gillian Osborn.
Hard Cider - A second illustration of apples and black cherries.
Apple and Black Cherry Hard Cider - The illustration was placed onto a bottle label for a fictitious company that I created: Seven Sisters Brewing Co.
Hard Cider - This label was also placed on a bottle to demonstrate how an illustration can be used to create a complete product line. Photography by Gillian Osborn.
Hard Cider
Dawn Kenyon
Illustrator and Graphic Designer Minneapolis, MN