with Duncan Fitzsimons & Sofie Holstein Homann We are all used to sending each other messages through words and language via telephone, email or text message, but what about transmitting a feeling of closeness, or that other people are actually here with you? The Presence Project created three communication experiences which transmit a sense of human co-presence over long distances. Project sponsored by Nokia.
with Duncan Fitzsimons & Sofie Holstein Homann We are all used to sending each other messages through words and language via telephone, email or text message, but what about transmitting a feeling of closeness, or that other people are actually here with you? The Presence Project successfully created three communication experiences which transmit a sense of human co-presence over long distances. Project sponsored by Nokia.
with Duncan Fitzsimons & Sofie Holstein Homann We are all used to sending each other messages through words and language via telephone, email or text message, but what about transmitting a feeling of closeness, or that other people are actually here with you? The Presence Project successfully created three communication experiences which transmit a sense of human co-presence over long distances. Project sponsored by Nokia.


David Sweeney
Industrial Designer London, United Kingdom