Logo - Constantly striving to present myself as myself isn't always as easy as it sounds. But hopefully, this collection of personal branding is a glimpse of what I'm all about. Be sure to visit my website and blog to see what I've been up to - http://davidluonline.com http://davidluonline.wordpress.com
Photographer - Constantly striving to present myself as myself isn't always as easy as it sounds. But hopefully, this collection of personal branding is a glimpse of what I'm all about. Be sure to visit my website and blog to see what I've been up to - http://davidluonline.com http://davidluonline.wordpress.com
Presence - Constantly striving to present myself as myself isn't always as easy as it sounds. But hopefully, this collection of personal branding is a glimpse of what I'm all about. Be sure to visit my website and blog to see what I've been up to - http://davidluonline.com http://davidluonline.wordpress.com
Open - Constantly striving to present myself as myself isn't always as easy as it sounds. But hopefully, this collection of personal branding is a glimpse of what I'm all about. Be sure to visit my website and blog to see what I've been up to - http://davidluonline.com http://davidluonline.wordpress.com
Description - Constantly striving to present myself as myself isn't always as easy as it sounds. But hopefully, this collection of personal branding is a glimpse of what I'm all about. Be sure to visit my website and blog to see what I've been up to - http://davidluonline.com http://davidluonline.wordpress.com
Work - Constantly striving to present myself as myself isn't always as easy as it sounds. But hopefully, this collection of personal branding is a glimpse of what I'm all about. Be sure to visit my website and blog to see what I've been up to - http://davidluonline.com http://davidluonline.wordpress.com
Home - Constantly striving to present myself as myself isn't always as easy as it sounds. But hopefully, this collection of personal branding is a glimpse of what I'm all about. Be sure to visit my website and blog to see what I've been up to - http://davidluonline.com http://davidluonline.wordpress.com
Play - Constantly striving to present myself as myself isn't always as easy as it sounds. But hopefully, this collection of personal branding is a glimpse of what I'm all about. Be sure to visit my website and blog to see what I've been up to - http://davidluonline.com http://davidluonline.wordpress.com

When you're a designer, you complain about clients about 50% of the time...maybe 60%. But when you're a designer trying to brand yourself...does it still count as complaining if you change your design 700 million + 12 times?

I am in no way completely done with my personal branding process. There's always room to improve. But with that said, if you have 500 business cards with your current logo - the universe has spoken. #anyoneneedabusinesscard?

David Lu
UX Designer at Comcast Interactive Media Philadelphia, PA