Fitness Playground

This project was started with trying to find a way to improve the general public's health agains Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease (#1 killer in America) in the most effective way, leading to two choices: Eating or Exercise. People often react poorly to being told to improve their eating, seeing it as a punishment, however exercise is more often seen as a proactive way to contribute to good health by people trying to improve their habits.
The Fitness Playground brings back a youthful notion from Grade School that we often forget as we become adults. EVERY DAY during the day we all need to get up and move our bodies if we expect them to function properly. The Fitness Playground allows adults to take short breaks from their work day to move their bodies, lose unwanted weight and gain muscle using progressive movements that easily scale to the user's skill level as instructed by the surrounding E-ink instruction walls.

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David Bohman
Industrial Designer Fort Collins, CO