Movement Movement from Darya K Movement I used a Canon ixus 85 IS by setting the focus onto a moving car and taking the photo as it went past. I used a low ISO (250) and the f-stop was 3.2 I used a Canon ixus 85 IS by setting the focus onto a moving car and taking the photo as it went past. I used a low ISO (250) and the f-stop was 3.2 I used a Canon ixus 85 IS by setting the focus onto a moving car and taking the photo as it went past. I used a low ISO (250) and the f-stop was 3.2 I used a Canon ixus 85 IS by setting the focus onto a moving car and taking the photo as it went past. I used a low ISO (250) and the f-stop was 3.2 gLike Movement Illustrator Illustration Share R 7 n Darya K London, United Kingdom Follow Contact