this photo represents " silhouette"
this photo represents "negative Space"
this photo represents "Framing"
this photo represent "ruleb of thirds"
this photo represents "depth of field"
this photo represents a "portrait of natural side lighting"
this photo represents "balance"
this photo represents "Line"
this photo represents "emphasis"
This photo represents "value"
this photo represents "close-up"
this photo represents "fast shutter speed"
black and white.2013. this photo represents black and whit because it is in black and white.
complimentary colors.2013.this photo represents complimentary colors because there different colors for the different types of candy.
texture.2013.this photo represents texture because it has water which represents wet and the log that is dry.
shape.2013. this photo represent shape because of the spiders oval buttox.
line.2013. this photo represents line because the tree trunk has caarvings of lines in it.
baseline assesment

These photos represent:
.Negative space
.Rule of thirds
.Portrait in natural side lighting
.Fast shutter speed
.Depth of field

Darnell Gillins
Student Jersey City, NJ