6 Pack of Jack Daniels Whiskey - Old School Whiskey, Made in 1866, Born and Raced in Tennessee This was a personal project of mine. I wanted to try some packaging and I came up with this 6-pack idea. I found a children's plastic car, photographed it and edited it to look like an old car. Then I played with the text for a bit and decided it would look pretty cool to apply an older-looking type face, helping to give it a dated look. The colors also imply an aged feel. I did a little research of where and when whiskey was made and added the information to the packaging. I used 'raced in Tennessee' to play a little with the image of the car.
Swimming CD and case - This package is a promotional piece for swimming. The outside is made of swimsuit material and the strap around it is from a pair of goggles. The inside shows photography of a pool and the CD can hold swim information of any kind. This could be a piece to promote Speedo or just swimming in general.
Darcy Lang
Graphic Designer/Photographer Fort Collins, CO