What can design do What can design do from Huang Kai Chen What can design do lost evolution - tape dispenser - Design cannot "say" anything, but actually it says everything. relativity - timmer - Design can teach us the basic principle of the Universe. pendulum - music player - Design can recall our old memory. feeding - pencil sharpener - Design can connect people's relationships. cherish - memo holder - Design can make us cherish resources, not deplete them. Pinocchio - straw can - Design can give us a smile of understanding while using. cheers - chair - Design can provide alternative solution and function combined. nutrition - orange bookshelf - Design can influence our habits in both practical and unconscious ways. swing firefly - chair - Design can be our personal space and touch. water recycle - coaster - Design can push us to rethink and recycle. fishing boat - sauce plate - Design can broaden our vision horizontally and vertically. window shade - cutting board - Design can inspire new spark from daily objects. AGOYA Enterprise - white wine bottle (design competition) - Design can boost and reinforce the image and identity. hanger handbag (concept 1) - Design can help us organize inside out and vice versa. fashion element handbag (concept 2) - Design can deconstruct things to its basic elements. paperweight (Elite design competition) - Design can remind us something at a specific moment. Harizu - smartbook (sponsored project) - Design can reflect cultural behavior. soft power - MP3 player (free lance project) - Design can be incarnated in a soft power. gLike What can design do Industrial Design Share R 7 n Huang Kai Chen Interaction designer Savannah, GA Follow Contact