Photo by Nike / LiveAD
Photo by Nike / LiveAD
First Model - Testing Electronics
Design Proposal
Cardboard model for ergonomic and aesthetic validation
Cardboard model for ergonomic and aesthetic validation
Nike Hi-5 Totem

What if we could multiply this touch by a hundred or thousand times?
What if you could share it with your friends and show how motivated you are?

Nike Hi-5 was a product designed to increase people's interaction with Nike brand and also explore the possibilities of social media. This innovation was exclusive for Rio Corre 10K 2013 event.

It takes the gesture to support and motivate athletes seen on running events and make it possible for these runners to share their feelings at some stage of the run, directly to their facebook page.

I was design leader in Questto|nó team and the whole project took just 2 months until we had 18 units of "Hi-5" totems.

The concept was developed by "LiveAD digital agency" and the product design concept and project were by "Questto|nó design". The handband was developed by a LiveAD partner.!zgz1o

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Daniel Turiani Taino
Lead Designer at Questto|nó São Paulo, Brazil