Competitive shop Images from best in class in the glasses category.
Hand drawn concepts including freestanding fixtures and back wall ideas.
Hand drawn concepts including freestanding fixtures and back wall ideas.
Refining a table style concept that would sit on the front aisle.
More table style variations which are lower in height and include internal locking storage.
Powered display case options with internal locking storage for back stock.
Powered display case options for the back wall with internal locking storage for back stock.
Front of shop fixture grouping of 2 powered display pedestals and 1 cabinet. The cabinet has an imbedded digital monitor playing a loop of Luxxotica content while the other side is a typical merchandised layout.
Luxxotica shop V-ray rendering concept with a table style fixture, a cabinet fixture run and a back wall fixture.
Luxxotica shop V-ray rendering concept with a digital monitor cabinet plus 2 display pedestals, a cabinet fixture run and a back wall fixture.
Luxxotica store set photos.
Fixture close-up photos of cabinets and back wall.
Luxxotica Fixtures

Design an elevated sunglasses destination to attract national brands and category credibility.

Dante Carrillo
New Berlin, WI