User menu. It was a departure in that the destroyed Earth globe could be rotated to highlight the Zombie invasion locations. I designed and made all the graphic textures for this.
The Zombie level called Tranzit, takes place in a town stuck in time, the cold war fifties. The entire planet has been through a catastrophe that has made the Earth a smoky, scorched hell.
You travel the level on a bus that stops at different locations. Each location was color graded to have a unique look.
The fities Bus Station, the beginning of your apocalyptic and hellish bus tour.
You can start your game at one of four locations. As you start a vintage post card displays during loading. The card represents the location, as it appeared before the cataclism that befell the planet. Card illustration by Peter Lam, concept artist assigned to my team.
The bus is a key element of the game, as you board it to avoid encountering mutant creatures hidden in the smog. The bus is roughly based on a 1950 GM urban bus. The model was outsourced and went through numerous iterations. I was sweating bullets on this one.
The landmarks found in the smog are destroyed and gone to waste, but have the indistinguishable optimistic style and charm of pure 1950s Americana.
The robot driver of the bus. Amazingly animated and cheerful in it's horrifying state. I provided concepts and the character and animation teams took it home, with ruthless talent.
Black Ops 2 Zombies Art Direction

During my time at Activision I was tasked as acting game art director on the Zombies portion of Black Ops 2

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Daniel Romeo Padilla
Industrial Designer Ventura, CA