Problem: With Ireland having one of the highest rates of childhood obesity in Europe the problem was to design footwear that will entice children to choose physical activities over television, gaming and hobbies that are predominantly sedentary in nature.
Initial Ideation - Inter-changeable sole for different sports.
Initial Ideation - Taking a look at lights in kids existing sneakers.
Storyboard sketch explaining functionality.
Resolving issue of power.
Exploded sketch of potential parts.
Thumbnail sketches - Beginning to explore potential aesthetics of footwear.
Exploring potential aesthetics & form of footwear.
Continuing to explore form & aesthetics of footwear through digital media.
Concept Rendering.
Light em Ups Sneakers

The brief was to redesign runners for a girl aged 9 years of age.
According to the report by the National Taskforce on Obesity, 300,000 children are overweight or obese in Ireland. With this in mind I focused on a shoe design that would inspire children to exercise more. As you can see from my concept, I decided to incorporate shoe soles that would change colour the more they are used. The thought behind the idea was that when the shoes were new they would start off with a red sole. The more the shoes were used, the more the soles changed colour. This would hopefully spark friendly competition amongst friends to have the greenest sole and most importantly get the children out and exercising.

Dan Jackson
Product Designer Dublin, Ireland