Ambienti Stationery - Contemporary interior design company that provides services and designs modern furniture pieces.
Contemporaneo Magazine - Contemporary Interior Design magazine that contains a variety of articles, designs and information for the modern designer.
Contemporaneo Magazine Contents Page - Contents Page for Contemporaneo Magazine
Contemporaneo Magazine Chair Spread - Spread about an essential design element: The Chair. Flowy design with organic lines following those of the chair.
Downtown Metro Spread - Spread designed to promote metro transportation in downtown Miami and inform people about its advantages.
Gatorade Ad - Ad that was part of "Struck" muay thai (Thai Martial Art) magazine. Use of the slogan "Is it in you?" implies gatorade is inside the fighter.
BFA Show Invitation 2009 - Bachelor of Fine Arts Invitation to Graduation Exhibition. Finalist and won 2nd place for exhibition.
Logo Designs - Pure: Logo for organic tea Florida Outdoor Kitchens: Logo for Custom BBQ builder MyBigEarth: Logo for website that promotes and sells green products/ideas
Logo Designs - SproutRealty: Logo for Realty Hogaza: Logo for Modern Custom Sandwich maker Ambienti: Logo for interior design co. and furniture design
Logo Designs - Design for Atlantic and Pacific Shipbrokers. Company based in Peru.
Save the Date for APS Ship Brokers Cocktail Party
Logo Designs - Picto Photo Local Photography Studio
Naqoyqatsi Movie Poster - Movie about "Life as War" by Geoffrey Reggio. Movie involves various scenes of competitions, technology, cloning, robots, etc.
Naqoyqatsi Movie Poster - 2nd approach Movie about "Life as War" by Geoffrey Reggio. Movie involves various scenes of competitions, technology, cloning, robots, etc.
What the Bleep do we know? Movie Poster - Movie about how the mind plays a role in your body reactions/attitude/day. Some metaphysics involved.
AGAPE Peace Poster/Ad - Based on Slogan: The world needs you, can you fill the missing PEACE of the puzzle? Poster/Ad for AGAPE (non-profit organization that dedicates to peace building around the world) Campaign includes peace quotes by various world renowned peace seekers.
AGAPE Peace Poster/Ad - 2nd in series: Based on Slogan: The world needs you, can you fill the missing PEACE of the puzzle? Poster/Ad for AGAPE (non-profit organization that dedicates to peace building around the world) Campaign includes peace quotes by various world renowned peace seekers.
Maturity Book Jacket - Book by OSHO. Photograph taken in NC on a family trip. Vertical direction of trees chosen to match elongated book shape.
PURE Organic Tea Packaging - Organic tea brand packaging developed with recycled materials, corrugated cardboard and a 'gourmet' look on each individual container.
Raw Organic Pasta - Organic pasta brand developed with 100% recycled materials. Convenient packaging for easy take from a store shelf.
2010 Street Close Up Calendar - Contains a series of close up photos taken by myself in the downtown Fort Lauderdale/Miami area with a horizontal and minimalistic layout.
2010 Street Close Up Calendar - January/February
2010 Street Close Up Calendar - March/April
2010 Street Close Up Calendar - May/June
2010 Street Close Up Calendar - July/August
2010 Street Close Up Calendar - September/November
2010 Street Close Up Calendar - October/December
Daniela Acosta-Levin
Designer Highland Beach, FL