Here I just blocked out the basic elements of the layout. I wanted to make it as simple as possible, and as easy to navigate as possible. The colors here aren't necessarily final.
I'll be sampling all the colors I use from this color scheme. I really like the friendly and calming feel of these colors.
This website design is something I'd like to use as a personal portfolio where I can share works I've created with possible employers, friends, family etc.. I want to go for a very simple and easy to navigate. While I was going for simple, I tried to strip down the design as much as possible without looking boring or removing any necessary features. I voted against using white in my design to create a calm but friendly color palette.
With this design I wanted to create a link for the user between color and content. For example, the green in this image surrounds the resume. In the home page and the video is surrounded by red and the menu in yellow.
Here, the video and menu have the same color. However, there is now a button to click to open up a more expansive menu. When designing this menu, I will make sure to keep it the same yellow color to take up the space of the menu. I will also experiment with surrounding each individual item of the menu with its corresponding color.