Coffee Mix Identity System - Client: Coffeemix Coffee Machine Reseller
Description: Logo and identity system for exclusive coffee machine reseller, including storefront and interior design.
Awards: Shortlist for Graphis Design Journal: Americas
Cesa (Animal Health Center and Hospital) Logo and Signage - Client: Cesa
Description: Logo and signage for Veterinary Hospital.
Cesa (Animal Health Center and Hospital) Logo - Logo for Veterinary Hospital
Boteco do Gatto Identity System - Client: Gattopardo Restaurant
Description: Rebranding of the restaurant in order to become a soccer focused brewery and sports bar.
Clube 14 Bis Logo - Logo for a local marketing professionals network, focused in innovation.
Jubilee Games - Logo for Petrobras' Oil Company 50th Anniversary Commemorative Games
Babel Team logo - Logo for IT Consulting firm.
Dye Aviation logo - Logo for aviation company
Petrobras Open Doors Program Logo - Logo for Petrobras Oil Company Open House Day.