windblownbones - Cover - Windblownbones is a book-object-graphic poem made in collaboracion with poet and photographer William Kenrick. It´s the result of one year work in connection from Lyon and Berlin. Text by Billy Kenrick. Draws by Daniel Cotillas Ruiz.
windblownbones - Introduction - Windblownbones is a book-object-graphic poem made in collaboracion with poet and photographer William Kenrick. It´s the result of one year work in connection from Lyon and Berlin. Text by Billy Kenrick. Draws by Daniel Cotillas Ruiz.
Chapter 1 - windblownbones - Windblownbones is a book-object-graphic poem made in collaboracion with poet and photographer William Kenrick. It´s the result of one year work in connection from Lyon and Berlin. Text by Billy Kenrick. Draws by Daniel Cotillas Ruiz.
Chapter 2 - windblownbones - Windblownbones is a book-object-graphic poem made in collaboracion with poet and photographer William Kenrick. It´s the result of one year work in connection from Lyon and Berlin. Text by Billy Kenrick. Draws by Daniel Cotillas Ruiz.
Chapter 3 - windblownbones - Windblownbones is a book-object-graphic poem made in collaboracion with poet and photographer William Kenrick. It´s the result of one year work in connection from Lyon and Berlin. Text by Billy Kenrick. Draws by Daniel Cotillas Ruiz.
Chapter 4 - windblownbones - Windblownbones is a book-object-graphic poem made in collaboracion with poet and photographer William Kenrick. It´s the result of one year work in connection from Lyon and Berlin. Text by Billy Kenrick. Draws by Daniel Cotillas Ruiz.
Chapter 5 - windblownbones - Windblownbones is a book-object-graphic poem made in collaboracion with poet and photographer William Kenrick. It´s the result of one year work in connection from Lyon and Berlin. Text by Billy Kenrick. Draws by Daniel Cotillas Ruiz.
Chapter 6 - windblownbones - Windblownbones is a book-object-graphic poem made in collaboracion with poet and photographer William Kenrick. It´s the result of one year work in connection from Lyon and Berlin.
Chapter 7 - windblownbones - Windblownbones is a book-object-graphic poem made in collaboracion with poet and photographer William Kenrick. It´s the result of one year work in connection from Lyon and Berlin.
Chapter 8 - windblownbones - Windblownbones is a book-object-graphic poem made in collaboracion with poet and photographer William Kenrick. It´s the result of one year work in connection from Lyon and Berlin.
Chapter 9 - windblownbones - Windblownbones is a book-object-graphic poem made in collaboracion with poet and photographer William Kenrick. It´s the result of one year work in connection from Lyon and Berlin.
Chapter 10 - windblownbones - Windblownbones is a book-object-graphic poem made in collaboracion with poet and photographer William Kenrick. It´s the result of one year work in connection from Lyon and Berlin.
Chapter 11 - windblownbones - Windblownbones is a book-object-graphic poem made in collaboracion with poet and photographer William Kenrick. It´s the result of one year work in connection from Lyon and Berlin.
Chapter 12 - windblownbones - Windblownbones is a book-object-graphic poem made in collaboracion with poet and photographer William Kenrick. It´s the result of one year work in connection from Lyon and Berlin.
Daniel Cotillas Ruiz
Randomness Rules Madrid, Spain