My master copy of The Great Masturbator painting by Salvador Dalí . This painting is consider to be my recent painting that has challenge me in every direction. The painting was my final project from my watercolor class. The assignment was to have a master copy be accomplish with watercolor only. This was already challenging enough but the teacher also required it to be drawn from sight. This painting is hand drawn using a ruler to guide me with scale. In under 2 weeks of careful observation and craft I was able to finish it on time. I am gratified to know I was able to recreate one of the most provocative painting from the great modern master.
This work explores the mixture of watercolor and ink. In my watercolor class I was introduce to ink.They thought me how draw and paint with ink. The painting is a depiction of Perinthia by Italo Calvino from "Invisible Cities".
Lanscape study from a photo. This piece was useful to understand atmospheric perspective using watercolor.
As I was introduce to ink in my watercolor class the teacher help us train to paint still life. He wanted us to try to paint without having a underlying drawing. This piece is a portrait of a fellow classmate done with only ink and hot press paper.
Enter The Void is a painting done with acrylic. Inspired by astronomy and hermeticism that develop around the idea of life in space. This piece envisions the fascination of the unknown. The painting is one of my first fine art painting since itself is filled with allegory of my ideology.
This is a color wheel made for my fundamental class . This color wheel had the option to be stylized so I chose my to be celestial. This was one my first exercise with watercolor.
Wet Media

Drawing with Wed Media help me explore the wonders of Ink, watercolor , and acrylic. It is a way to set my individual expression through brush strokes and colors use. Each painting tested my planning, drawing skills and understanding of value.