ATV EXPOSED 3d logo - Not actual 3d but a cool 3d take done in Photoshop.

Tealtown Thundercats - Client wanted a knock off of the Sacramento River Cats. But I went for original art, although the positioning is the same to satisfy the client

Fairfield Indians Team Logo - A redo for a high school, based off their old logo and colors. I tried to make this a more up to date and tough looking Warrior. I wanted to lose the satire the redskin team logos have.

Cyclone Logo - Created for a Kid Hockey team. They were somehow associated with Cincinnati Cyclones. But they couldn't use their logo. So I was given the task of creating one for them.

Translations Unlimited - New branding for a local translation company.

Variety of Logos

Concepts created for Hyperdrive Client

Concepts created for Hyperdrive Client

Concepts created for Hyperdrive Client