AOL Music on Demand - Note that because a remote control has distinct left/right and up/down navigation, both the horizontal genre list and vertical track listing can have focus as the same time.
Picking a radio station
Photo Albums
Browsing an album
AOL Welcome Screen on PlayStation 2 (Concept) - Carousel navigation concept from 2002 for AOL welcome screen. Left/Right navigation rotated the items (keeping focus in the bottom-center position). Up/Down navigation traversed a contextual menu for the current application.
MapQuest for PlayStation 2 (Concept) - Design concept from 2002 for accessing MapQuest through an AOL for PlayStation 2 application suite.
BEFORE (not my design) - Design presented by outside firm. I had several concerns for a TV-centric product using a remote control as an input device: * Original design was 1024x768px (too large for TV-based design at the time). * Multiple areas requiring focus would make navigating controls on the screen slow and confusing. * No clear indicators as to what area had focus. * Use of triangle as list bullet could be incorrectly identified as either "Play" or "Navigate Right" control on the remote.
AFTER (my redesign) - My suggested improvements: * Larger fonts * Presets appear as the first "genre". This allowed for the following design/navigation improvements: * Stretch track information across full width of screen * Eliminate need for multiple areas of focus - left/right scrolls among genres, up/down scrolls within current genre * Provide visual cues as to what has focus * Provide visual cues for navigation * Include text descriptions next to playback controls
TV Applications

Mockups for TV-based applications designed for interaction using a remote control

David Adler
User Experience Expert Boston, MA