Concept model 1
Concept model 2
Concept model 3
Concept model 4
Concept model 5
Building design 1
Final project
Abstract depiction of 5 extracted moments
Site plan (bottom) and elevation (top)
Plan (below ground level)
Plan (below ground level and above ground level)
Axonometric projection
Site plan showing the two nodes (subway stations)
Map of an individual's cone of vision from either of the two nodes (cone of vision was measured to be 30 degrees)
Map of outline of cone of vision (these maps were done on trace paper and are meant to overlay one another)
GSD Project 3 (Models and Drawings)

The precedent for this project was the Oslo Opera House, from which I extracted five moments—the roof as the fifth façade, horizontal expansion, the point at which nature meets artificial, the duality between public and private spaces, and the shift between interior and exterior. The building is a film archive. Integrated into its surrounding landscape, the building weaves above and below ground level, not only creating a single entity, but also focusing on horizontal expansion rather than verticality. The tilted roof serves as a public amenity as a walking plaza, and on one side is an outdoor theater, in which the screen extends from the building itself. The steps are large slabs used for both circulation and seating. However, the pace of the stairs changes as the view of the screen disappears, bringing the pedestrian into a public lobby that not only connects to the subway, but also leads to an indoor theater underneath the park, and thus creating a new node underground.