Pishimisak - Pishimisak, the old word of guambianos (a group of native americans) for their God of water has been taken to name this project. This is a summer public douche that uses a simple machine as a basic 'toy' to involve two persons on the activity of bathing, making it shared instead of just an individual act. Pishimisak is designed to be placed in public areas, such as parks and public squares where kids, older boys and girls can enjoy by playing, the refreshment that gives a mist atmosphere. The concept of Pishimisak is based on the old water pumps used to extract water from the underground, and has the same principle of those machines because of its easy functionality and its concept of co-operation. This project tries to make a rational use of the water, changing the common water fall shower to a mist shower using the high pressure of water given by a pump to spray it through the douches, creating a 'cloud' around one or both of the persons involved. The shower mist can be felt by one or both persons but the machine just works when both work together inviting to a social activity. When one of the persons pushes his side of the pump, the shower of the person on the other side flows the mist cloud around him and vice versa. If one of the persons dont want to recieve the mist just closes the valve of the shower on his side. The simplycity of shapes and mechanism make of this 'machine' an easy 'toy' with easy readability to use it.
Camilo Vega
Bogota D.C., Colombia