In order to create the perfect home in Kentucky for a member the Asmat Tribe of Papua New Guinea, extensive research was required. The tribe's culture and their environment served as inspiration for my design. The Asmat people live in tight-knit communities, making homes in the treetops of the rainforest. They have a great respect for nature and are known for their intricate wood carving. Working within the given dimensions of the house, I created an environmentally friendly space that fulfills every need of an Asmat tribesperson.
A large planter containing tropical flora creates a private nook to serve as a worship space across from the sleep area. The elevated bed mimics the treehouses of the Asmat people. Bamboo floors and grass mat on the ceiling are sustainable ways of bringing more of nature indoors.
The kitchen features custom slate cabinets that are backed with planters. By the entryway, the counter slopes down to become a multifunctional water feature. The front door is surrounded by woodcarving, a detail that is seen throughout the home.
The floorplan displays the vast use of windows which let in natural light and keep the space from feeling cramped. The sunken seating around the hearth, the benches of the kitchen, and the cozy den are made to coincide with the closeness of a tribe.
This detail of the bed gives construction specifications and shows the overhead storage shelf. Lights, art, and a curtain would make this treehouse a truly special spot.
Foreign Client Project