Body & Coach Design, Modelling and Development - Transportation Body Styling Design, Body Surface Development, Structure Studies and Calculus by FEM, BUY Parts Supplier Investigation, Phisical Model Construction (Foam + Plaster)
Body Design, Modelling and Development - Body Styling Design, Body Surface Development, Structure Studies and Calculus by FEM, Phisical Model Construction (Foam + Plaster) Based on a VW Platform AB9 (GOL Mercosur)
Body black & white Model Construction in GRP - Transportation Body Styling Design, Body Surface Development, First Mould Construction (GRP)
Body & Coach Design, (Modification) - Modification in the body design for a Motorhome Structure Studies and Calculus by FEM, Application to Body Structure Design. Design Change in the Front, Roof and sides, using standard components, Plane Glass for cheap maintenance.
Urban Bus Body and Chassis Design, - Design of a System of Urban Buses in three lenghts 1, 2 or 3 Doors Optimized Access for Wheelchair users (15 seconds). Telescopic design access platform. Reduced impact on chassis. Robust Structure (8 Hz) Reinforced in the area of central door for Structural behaviour. Rear motor for Driver Comfort and low floor in 80% surface. Optimized Seating vs Surface distribution. Structure Calculus by FEM. Structural and window modulation optimized for standarization of versions.
VELMUS - Electric vehicle, moped licence. 3-scooter and utility vehicle robust and comfortable suspension smart energy system easy to ride
Transportation Design

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Florencio Cuervo
Automotive Design Studio Engineer Londres, United Kingdom