Fairy - This is a picture of a fairy that I drew in Illustrator.
I Believe in Fairies - The fairy in this picture was inspired by Nice Faery, by Amy Brown. In this project, I used a combination of Photoshop and Illustrator to get this final result. I drew the fairy’s face from a photo of my daughter, rather than copying the original fairy. I also added my own touches to the wings. The butterflies are something that I compiled together from Sophie Anderson’s 1869 painting Thus Your fairy’s Made of the Most Beautiful Thing.
Tazo Tea box redesign - in this project, I redesigned the Tazo tea Goji berry tea box. I used photoshop and illustrator for this project
cd cover - I love this one, it is probably one of my favorites! in this project, I was supposed to design a fictitious cd cover. I used some of the images from Brian Froud; scanned in from one of his fairy books. I used a combination of masking, layer effects, layer blending, clone stamp and the paintbrush tool to create this final image.
Farmer's Market - In this project, I was asked to create a poster for a local event. I chose the Farmer's Market.
orange tomato - in this project, I was supposed to make food appear out of the ordinary
old people restored - This is a photo restoration project. The top image is what the photo looked like before I restored it, the middle image is what I restored the top image to look like. The bottom image is the original artwork. When restoring this image, I decided to change the sky. Added some clouds, and isn't like the original artwork, but I think that for my purpose here: it works.
evil fairy - In this project, I made myself into a fairy. I found the picture of the cave, fire, and skulls. I had my husband take a picture of me with his sword. The problem is that the cave itself is a really dark picture, and I wanted to use some fire in the image. once the fire was added, I thought I should look like I was by the fire as well. I used a combination of layer blending (about 10 layers) to get the effect of the fire on my skin.
harry potters desk - Who doesn't love Harry Potter? This is the top view of his desk. I found photos of things that I thought would be on a Harry Potter's desk, and using photoshop, cut them out and arranged them to look aesthetically pleasing.
witch's desk - In this project, I was supposed to create the top view of a desk. This is a which's desk. I found photos of things that I thought would be on a which's desk, and using photoshop, cut them out and arranged them to look aesthetically pleasing.
fairies - In these images, I scanned pictures from one of my fairy books, then took pictures of my kids and used their faces to make the scanned pictures look like them
fairies - In these images, I scanned pictures from one of my fairy books, then took pictures of my kids and used their faces to make the scanned pictures look like them
These are old family photographs that I have restored using Photoshop. They were scanned in then retouched.
In this picture, the photo on the left is a picture of a picture-then scanned in by me. The original had been lost for years, and I was asked to restore it for a friend. This is probably the most difficult restoration that I have done. I almost completely redrew her face to restore it.
These are old family photographs that I have restored using Photoshop. They were scanned in then retouched.
These are old family photographs that I have restored using Photoshop. They were scanned in then retouched.
School Projects
Heidi Bevan
Heidi Bevan Holladay, UT