One of several concepts for a millimeter wave backhaul 5G antenna intended to be affixed to building exteriors and thus subject to extreme environmental conditions. Among the more challenging aspects was determining the best method to passively cool the device, an effort involving research into the current state of the art. This concept - chosen over more complex solutions in large part because it communicated the simplicity and ruggedness the client desired - was ultimately refined and prototyped for both testing and trade show demonstrations by the client.
Software: Alias/Creo

One of several concepts for a millimeter wave backhaul 5G antenna intended to be affixed to building exteriors and thus subject to extreme environmental conditions. Among the more challenging aspects was determining the best method to passively cool the device, an effort involving research into the current state of the art. This concept - chosen over more complex solutions in large part because it communicated the simplicity and ruggedness the client desired - was ultimately refined and prototyped for both testing and trade show demonstrations by the client.
Software: Alias/Creo