Scribble Therapy: Fish - Marker on Drawing Paper 8.5x11 Visual Starters, such as the scribble technique in Art Therapy, are particularly helpful for patients who are having a hard time getting started or don't know what to do. They also give insight into the person's unconscious: the image they see in their scribble reveals a lot.
Clay therapy: Fish (Detail) - Clay, Acrylic Paint, and Sealant
Clay Therapy: Fish (Topview) - Clay, Acrylic Paint, and Sealant
Clay Therapy: Fish - Clay, Acrylic Paint, and Sealant Clay is very therapeutic. Not only can the physicality of clay (throwing to remove bubbles, rolling to make sheet or snakes) can relieve a lot of tension, and the final piece can be an expression of something the person is otherwise incapable of communicating.
Paper Mache Therapy: Bowl and Lid - Paper Mache (Newspaper, Masking Tape, Glue, Water) Clear Water, Textured Stickers, Acrylic Paint Paper Mache is another art from utilized by art therapists. It is another 3D medium that allows a patient to express archetypes and characteristics that can otherwise not. Outside is completely black with no pattern or design.
Paper Mache Therapy: Bowl and Lid - Paper Mache (Newspaper, Masking Tape, Glue, Water) Clear Water, Textured Stickers, Acrylic Paint Inside of lid was painted with a Japanese flower design. the blue part of the design was painted translucent so that viewers could still see the newspaper print of the paper mache.
Paper Mache Therapy: Bowl - Paper Mache (Newspaper, Masking Tape, Glue, Water) Clear Water, Textured Stickers, Acrylic Paint
Paper Mache Therapy: Bowl (Detail) - Paper Mache (Newspaper, Masking Tape, Glue, Water) Clear Water, Textured Stickers, Acrylic Paint Clear water was used to give a realistic illusion of depth in the water. Fish made of newspaper and tape. Bubbles made with raised stickers to give a rounded look.
Therapy Prints: Fish - Linoleum Prints, cut out with tissue paper background. Matted and sewn together. lit from behind. Prints are another way to allow for free expression. When many copies of the same image are created, the client can change one image and still have their original.
Therapy Print: Fish (Detail) - Linoleum Prints, cut out with tissue paper background. Matted and sewn together. lit from behind. Prints are another way to allow for free expression. When many copies of the same image are created, the client can change one image and still have their original.
Therapy Mask: Fish - Casting material, Tissue paper, Paint, Markers Making masks gives a client the opportunity to bring different aspects of their personality to the surface
Therapy Mask: Fish (Detail) - Casting material, Tissue paper, Paint, Markers Making masks gives a client the opportunity to bring different aspects of their personality to the surface
Fish Bowl - Glass fish bowl, and Glass markers
Fish Bowl - Glass fish bowl, and Glass markers
Art Apron: Fish - Cotton Apron Fabric Markers Fabric Paint Not for therapy but for the therapist
Art Apron: Fish (Detail) - Cotton Apron Fabric Markers Fabric Paint Not for therapy but for the therapist
Art Apron: Fish (On Model) - Cotton Apron Fabric Markers Fabric Paint Not for therapy but for the therapist
Blow-Fishue Box - Wooden tissue box cover, Sculpty clay, Acrylic Paint, Glue
Blow-Fishue Box - Wooden tissue box cover, Sculpty clay, Acrylic Paint, Glue
Blow-Fishue Box - Wooden tissue box cover, Sculpty clay, Acrylic Paint, Glue
Skribble Therapy: Birds - Marker on Paper
Allison - Crayon and Pastel on Paper Therapy Portrait: drawing of someone else in the group drawn during an ice breaker exercise.
Free Association Drawing: Matt - Sharpie Marker on Paper Free Association Drawings is when a patient receives a cue (such as an object or suggestion) and draws freely what comes into their mind.
Shoe Sisters - Acrylic on Canvas Board 8x8 Self Portrait for therapy class. A self portrait can give insight into how a person views themselves. In this example, I added my sister into the portrait, because she is a very important part of who I am.
Therapy Doll - Wire, Aluminum Foil, Masking Tape, Sculpty Clay, Embroidery String, Fabric, Glue Therapy dolls can be a valuable tool for therapists in many ways. One, making the doll can give insight into the creator. Two they are often used in play therapy as well as art therapy.
Therapy Doll (Detail) - Wire, Aluminum Foil, Masking Tape, Sculpty Clay, Embroidery String, Fabric, Glue Therapy dolls can be a valuable tool for therapists in many ways. One, making the doll can give insight into the creator. Two, they are often used in play therapy as well as art therapy.
Symbol Reoccurence: Stars - Pen on Paper When a symbol reoccurs over and over again in a patient's art, it becomes significantly important. Therefore, it is important for the counselor to explore that symbol and what it means to the patient's unconscious.
ATDA Drawing - Marker on Paper the Art Therapy Dream Analysis (ATDA) is a procedure in art therapy where the patient first draws a dream that is significant to them (reoccurring, nightmare, recent). then they write a paragraph about the same dream. By the end of the procedure the patient has a single sentence that gets to the root of the dream, and can reveal much about their unconscious.
Therapy Mask: Scary - Felt, Glue, Marker, String Masks can be used in therapy to help clients express thought and feelings that they cannot otherwise express. This particular mask was created in a group therapy like setting by a client to express the thoughts of the second client.
Therapy Mask: Scary - Felt, Glue, Marker, String Masks can be used in therapy to help clients express thought and feelings that they cannot otherwise express. This particular mask was created in a group therapy like setting by a client to express the thoughts of the second client.
Totem Monster - Fabric, with yarn wrapped around. googly eyes and ribbon added. head is made of a wish or fear, written on a piece of paper and crumpled up. This process gives the creator something to remind them of their wishes, goals, or fears. Dolls will protect the wish, monsters protect the creator.
Totem Monster - Fabric, with yarn wrapped around. googly eyes and ribbon added. head is made of a wish or fear, written on a piece of paper and crumpled up. This process gives the creator something to remind them of their wishes, goals, or fears. Dolls will protect the wish, monsters protect the creator.
Totem Doll - Fabric, with yarn wrapped around. googly eyes and ribbon added. head is made of a wish or fear, written on a piece of paper and crumpled up. This process gives the creator something to remind them of their wishes, goals, or fears. Dolls will protect the wish, monsters protect the creator.
Art Therapy
Caitlin Schuh
Student Rochester, NY