Huayru: a board game of Inca tradition.

Presented as my MFA thesis, Huayru is a board game designed based on a game played by the Incas in pre-Columbian South America. It is aimed at preserving cultural knowledge about traditions in the Andes. The concept was developed after an extensive anthropological and cultural research process in Cuenca, Ecuador. The materials and construction processes are selected based on the information about the materials and processes used by the people who played the original game through the centuries. The game can be played as a game of change to mediate in conflict, as the tradition dictates; or can be played to learn about some values related to the solutions of conflict for the Andean culture. It could be understood as a mediator between global cultural traditions.

Freelance, Full-time
Cristian Mogrovejo
MFA. Industrial designer, graphic designer, educator. Quito, Ecuador