Creative Arrow - Used Photoshop CS4 to create this website layout - front page only.
Island Studio Design web mockup
Brecek and Young Inc - My web mentor who is currently working for North Temple designers pull me into working with him on this project. My responsibility was to create a flash video play list that will host high definition video on this website. Length of work: 2.5 days Programs Used: Flash & Photoshop CS4
myPortfolio website - This project is currently in the works right now. I am trying to build a website showcase some of my work. I plan on using (X)HTML, CSS, PHP and JQuery. I might even attempt it with Ruby-on-Rails. The contact form will have the click and expand UP effect that will allow the end-user to send me an email. I will use JQuery for this effect. Program used: Photoshop CS4 (layout design) Length of work: 4 hours
BYU-Hawaii 1st Newsroom Drupal Development - I took up an internship with the university's IT/Web Projects department. During my first three months, I worked under the direction of the university's web architect to create the first international newsroom for the university. We wanted to find a solution that will allow the reporters to write, upload images and videos to create their stories with no or little HTML knowledge. Length of work: 2-3 months Programs Used: Drupal, HTML/CSS, PHP, Photoshop CS3
Harmony with Aloha Flash Media Press Kit - The University Graphic Designer conceptualized the concept and design elements of this poster. I worked on re-arranging the design pieces to create an simple Flash presentation about the BYU-Hawaii institution and Concert Choir that toured to China and Mongolia to handout the media press kit as gifts. Length of work: 2-3 days. Programs Used: Photoshop, Illustrator & Flash CS3
Waikiki Grand Hotel Website Mockup - I wanted to find a website that needed a new look and design. I found Waikiki Grand Hotel. I drove over to the hotel and took some pictures, scout the area to get a feel for the hotel and any pieces of information I could use to create this website layout. Length of work: 5-6 days Programs Used: Photoshop and Illustrator CS3
Surfari Website Mockup - This is a website mock-up for a project I came up with for one of my interaction design final project. This is a website for photographers to upload, donate or sell their photos online. I used stock photos as a reference for navigation, functionality and ideas to create this website layout. Note: You can download this PDF file to view the website. Just click on the menu buttons to navigate through the website. Length of work: 5-6 days Programs Used: Photoshop CS4, Adobe Acrobat
Surf Hawaii 4 U Website Mockup - I was nearing the end of my internship with BYU-Hawaii when a few team member approached me. She had a friend that need someone to revamp their surfing school website in Hawaii. I took the challenge to do the work for them. So, I hopped on board and took the website to a different level. Length of work: 3-5 days Programs Used: Dreamweaver, Illustrator & Photoshop CS4, Javascript, PHP, XHTML & CSS.
Richard Fale Website Mockup - A college friend of mines, Richard Fale ran for office in Hawaii and wanted a simple website for his campaign. We discussed about color, typography, menu navigation, donor button and other technical aspects of the project. The banner was designed by someone else. Go to to view the full website. Length of work: 3-5 days Languages/Programs Used: Coda/Dreamweaver, HTML, CSS, PHP, PayPal, Photoshop CS3 and Google Search.
FAQ Section - Created the FAQ Section for the BYU-Hawaii website to organize the drop down category options. Also worked on what would happen if the end-user click on the questions. Then I handed it over to the programmer to work his magic. Program used: Illustrator CS4