Cycle Shopper- Original Concept - A practical alternative for transporting grocery shopping without a car. Fully collapsible, the trailer can be stored inside the home, ideal for inner city users. The containers can be used inside a shopping trolley or locked down onto the frame ensuring that your shopping is safe whether you are visiting the supermarket or your favourite local shops.
Cycle Shopper - A practical alternative for transporting grocery shopping without a car. Fully collapsible, the trailer can be stored inside the home, ideal for inner city users. The containers can be used inside a shopping trolley or locked down onto the frame ensuring that your shopping is safe whether you are visiting the supermarket or your favourite local shops.
Cycle Shopper - A practical alternative for transporting grocery shopping without a car. Fully collapsible, the trailer can be stored inside the home, ideal for inner city users. The containers can be used inside a shopping trolley or locked down onto the frame ensuring that your shopping is safe whether you are visiting the supermarket or your favourite local shops.
Cycle Shopper
Craig Strangward
Junior Product Designer Peterborough, United Kingdom