Digital Design I project interpreting a piece of music using only line.
Digital Design I project interpreting a piece of music using only line.
Graphic Design I logos for a festival happening at a landmark.
Graphic Design I object study project.
Digital Design I theme icon project.
Fruit flavored water label to be sold at zoos.
Fruit flavored water label to be sold at zoos.
Package design for a fictional product. All photos and illustrations are original.
Poster for the school fashion show.
Brochure for the fashion show.
Day in history collage.
Day in history collage.
Student Work

These are various projects that my undergraduate and high school students have done in Digital Design I, Digital Media, Graphic Design I and Graphic Design II. Projects include package design, posters for various school events, collages, illustration and logos.

Craig Baron
Designer Tucson, AZ