horizon flight
ghost town
Nikolaj in the red district - early environments and characters concept for "The Liberator" animation project
meat grinder - "horror in the kitchen" monster design
dish washer - a more comic-style "horror in the kitchen" illustration
urban samurai
Ugo the Beast - My first attempts of clay modeling...forget about the messy background. SuperSculpey, 1,5 times a human head wrinkles-alcohol-wrinkles-alcohol-wrinkles-alc.... took a very, very long time...
Ugo the Beast - My first attempts of clay modeling...forget about the messy background. SuperSculpey, 1,5 times a human head wrinkles-alcohol-wrinkles-alcohol-wrinkles-alc.... took a very, very long time...
Ugo, the lonely monster - ...he's now all alone, looking at me from the book shelfs
Ugo, the lonely monster - ...he's now all alone, looking at me from the book shelfs