PROMOS WITH ORIGINAL PRINTS - Sets designed and created with original prints vectored/illustrated for every season in basic styling for loungewear
PROMOS WITH ORIGINAL PRINTS - Sets designed and created with original prints vectored/illustrated for every season in basic styling for loungewear with individualy designed tags/labels
PROMOS WITH ORIGINAL PRINTS - Sets designed and created with original prints vectored/illustrated for every season in basic styling for loungewear with individualy designed tags/labels
PROMOS WITH ORIGINAL PRINTS - Sets designed and created with original prints vectored/illustrated for every season in basic styling for loungewear with individualy designed tags/labels
PROMOS WITH ORIGINAL PRINTS - Sets designed and created with original prints vectored/illustrated for every season in basic styling for loungewear
PROMOS WITH ORIGINAL PRINTS - Sets designed and created with original prints vectored/illustrated for every season in basic styling for loungewear

Original Prints designed for Splash Nightwear/Lounge wear Promos

Maria Socorro Blanco
Creative Director / Design Specialist Dubai, United Arab Emirates