Jotlocker / Website

Jot Locker, Online Student Community

An inviting website that leverages open communication to redefine the student community.

Deliverables: Branding Strategy, Website Design

Jot Locker is a community of students exchanging information to increase understanding and ignite passion for proactive education.

The objective was to design a website with multiple responsibilities — to act as a brand introduction, to engage students, and to serve as an adaptable and evolving resource.

The final design is inventive and easy to use. The introduction includes a tutorial. A customizable personal “locker” contains student tools. A forum for interactive dialogue transforms multiple viewpoints into a singular perspective. Beta site is live, undergoing phase development. The images share a glimpse of what is to come.

— Research, Insight, Consultation
— Branding / Identity
— Concept Development
— Web Design / User Experience
— Copywriting and Proofing
— Project Coordination / Management

Corinna Gelster-Borgardt
Visual Designer and Communication Strategist Portland, OR