Design and the Play Instinct Redesign / Personal Project

A whimsical redesign that enlightens and entertains through subtle connections and artful surprise.

Deliverables: Print Design

The objective of this essay redesign was to illustrate an understanding of the the principles expressed within, including the significance of play.

The layout integrates a lively mixture of fun, imaginative elements placed within a well established grid. Great thought was given to how the viewer’s eye flows along the page, with spreads connected in a dynamic way. Each spread contains an element that alludes or carries to the next, subtly uniting separate pages into one cohesive story. A sense of depth, space, and variety was introduced within the spreads to further contribute to the idea of play. The redesign results in a rich, easy to follow experience the control of pace and understanding in a lyrical way.

— Research
— Concept Development
— Graphic Design
— Project Coordination / Management
— Typography

Corinna Gelster-Borgardt
Visual Designer and Communication Strategist Portland, OR