Final result, a termos for Handelsbanken - A study of signs and symbols and how they they are express through form. A course assignment based on Rune Monös design semiotic principals applyed to design of a fictive project of a termos for Handelsbanken.
Semiotic evalutaion of my final result - A study of signs and symbols and how they they are express through form. A course assignment based on Rune Monös design semiotic principals applyed to design of a fictive project of a termos for Handelsbanken.
Product Semiotics for Handelsbanken

In a course of semiotics the assignment was to design a product for a company that usually doesn't produce that kind of product. I got the assignment give a Swedish bank called Handelsbanken a thermos. After analyzing the company image i saw that there was no consistent theme and that the print is fat Arial with two colors, so i decided to create a new look for theme and it resulted in 2 more shades of blue and gray and a more "organic" form than the companies usual feeling.

Corina Akner
Industrial Designer Stockholm, Sweden