Final result of simplifying a pineapple
first step: drawing own simplified and detailed pictures for deeper understanding of texture
sixth step: charcoal drawings to capture the movement in the texture
seventh step: charcoal drawings after feeling, photoing, casting and sculpting the pineapple
ninth step: creating a lightsession with prisms to give a more creative expression to the pineapple
tenth step: clay modell with simplified patterns to show the complexity in a simpler way
fifth step: casted modells of the pineapple with latex
eighth step: drawings to capture the complexity in the texture
fourth step: casted modells from the pineapple and sculpted from clay
third step: drying slices of the pineapple
second step: drying and photoing the pineapple
Form studies from the first year

During the first year of my bachelor program I was assigned to do a simplification of an organic, living piece of my choice. I picked the pineapple since I've always liked the patterns, the colors, the taste and the fact that they don't actually look like you've imagined in your head. They are in fact much more complex. This is my trip towards deeper understanding what I see in the pineapple and my way of trying to communicate that.

Corina Akner
Industrial Designer Stockholm, Sweden