The REDO color palette. I wanted the colors to be vibrant, but something you could expect to find in nature.
What a consumer would find inside the packaging of a new product. A prepaid label that seals the box for transport and an awareness/instruction card for the REDO initiative.
The included prepaid label would rebrand the box with the REDO logo as well as seal the box for the transportation of the device to be recycled.
The REDO awareness/instruction card. This was designed to also work as a poster when printed at larger sizes.
The REDO Plus labeling would show that the product was designed and built to not only contain recycled materials, but also to be taken back by the original manufacturer at no cost to the consumer.
What a new television on display would potentially look like with a REDO rating sticker attached. From a distance it is instantly identifiable as a REDO compliant device with a gold rating.
A closeup of the sticker. It explains the certification and how to get more information.
Products would be rated using a color code system to show how much of the product uses recycled materials. An example of what the REDO sticker would look like on an large appliance.
An example of the REDO campaign awareness poster.
The one page REDO awareness site. It explains how REDO works, why one should recycle e-waste, and how to spread the word. It also has facts about e-waste and the types of materials in everyday electronic goods.
The REDO Initiative

Americans, and the rest of the world, are throwing away more and more electronic waste. Most would recycle, but there is no standardized way of doing so, so they opt to throw it out. There needs to be a unified system, supported by industry and retail, that is easy and inexpensive enough for everyone to use.
Recycling / Reclamation of Electronics and Digital Objects (REDO) is the solution. REDO is a full system of drop off points, collectors, recyclers, and data security standards that allow for all strata of users and consumers to responsibly consume and dispose of their electronics and appliances. From the street level user, small business, government, and Fortune 500 companies, all would be serviced through REDO.

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Corey Hunt
Graphic Designer and UX Designer Brooklyn, NY