The flyer design and layout was my assigned task for the TTL project. I created a bi-folded flyer, that further opened into a poster.
The required copy required for the inside material was extensive, so I used graphical elements like the stylized numbers on the left and the bold statistical graphics on the right to break up the text a little.
A closeup of the inside spread.
The folded out poster. I created this with the intent of it possibly being hung a woman's cubicle to remind her of the fight for pay equity.
The rear of pamphlet had to be co-branded between TTL and a company called "She Negotiates" while also leaving space for possible sponsors.
An icon set that I created to be used across the various media created by the other members of my team.
Take the Lead Print Asset

This project was client work through the Pratt Institute’s Design Corps to create a cohesive package for the nonprofit Take the Lead.

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Corey Hunt
Graphic Designer and UX Designer Brooklyn, NY