The leader format banner ad. The message focuses 100% on the birthday pledge aspect of the mycharity: water program.
The skyscraper format banner ad.
The medium format banner ad.
These "Make Water" ads represent a possible separate direction for the print ads. They are comprised of a water image representing a common activity accompanied with a mycharity: water themed message.
The "Make Water" ad in situ
This "Birthday" print ad was made to be a companion to the above banner ads. It shares the same art style and messaging about the ability for a birthday donation.
The "Birthday" print ad in-situ
Charity Water Print and Digital Ads

With the "mycharity: water" program, charity: water has an innovative way to donate in the name of clean water, but had no way available to get the word out.

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Corey Hunt
Graphic Designer and UX Designer Brooklyn, NY