Beyond Fest "reaching hand" logo
An example of a Beyond Fest promotional tote bag
An example of a Beyond Fest promotional t-shirt (front)
Beyond Fest admission ticket
Beyond Fest poster
An example of a Beyond Fest promotional t-shirt (rear)
A Beyond Fest port-o-john with the "reaching hand" logo applied
Festival signage example with sponsor themed naming convention for stages
Beyond Fest Music Festival

The Beyond Fest Music Festival was conceived as part of a project to create a music festival of my choosing. I went a more fantasy route and imagined a world in which we were able to reanimate, for one time only, some of the best musicians of the later 20th century.
The goal for this design was to play with some of the ideas of what a music festival surrounding “undead” performers would be like, without it being too morbid or depressing.
I arrived at the festival name and reaching hand after several sketching sessions of possible names and logos. Once I decided on the “reaching hand” motif, it took a few rounds more of sketches to refine it to the final version. The “reaching hand”, with or without the Beyond Fest lockup, would be seen around the venue and on merchandise and would also include other light-hearted references to the status of the performers.

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Corey Hunt
Graphic Designer and UX Designer Brooklyn, NY