Initial sketch
Current state indicating the pain points
Future state with pain points eliminated
Initial sketch
Current state indicating the pain points
Future state with pain points eliminated
Initial sketch
Current state indicating the pain points
Future state with pain points eliminated
Initial sketch
Current state indicating the pain points
Future state with pain points eliminated
Current state indicating the pain points
Future state with pain points eliminated
Current state indicating the pain points
Future state with pain points eliminated
Current state indicating the pain points
Future state with pain points eliminated
Current state indicating the pain points
Future state with pain points eliminated
Current state indicating the pain points
Future state with pain points eliminated
Current state indicating the pain points
Future state with pain points eliminated
Current state indicating the pain points
Future state with pain points eliminated
Initial sketch
Current state indicating the pain points
Future state with pain points eliminated
Initial sketch
Current state indicating the pain points
Future state with pain points eliminated
Current state indicating the pain points
Future state with pain points eliminated
Actual print out
Internal Social Media Posts
Internal Social Media Posts
Internal Social Media Posts
Internal Social Media Posts
Internal emailing communication
Internal PPT presentation
Logo design
Internal infographics
Internal infographics
Logo design for an internal rewards program for employees
Stakeholder email communication
Stakeholder email communication
Stakeholder email communication
Stakeholder email communication
Stakeholder email communication
Stakeholder email communication
Stakeholder email communication
Stakeholder email communication
AU Mining Company

Responsible for the overall design and creation of BOS illustrative/graphic/visuals in isometric view for use in print materials that adhere to the BHP brand standards. Works collaboratively with a team of broader organizational change specialists and project team members to execute design and
production across multichannel media in service of change programs and organization.

M. Rodriguez
Accomplished Creative Professional • Detail-Oriented • Visual Communicator Manila, Philippines