Magazine ad.
Poster ads for international tourism fairs and conventions for Delfin Amazon Cruises, 2014.
On-board complimentary postcard designs for Delfin Amazon Cruises, 2014.
Poster ads for 2014 CasaCor luxury interior design event in Lima, Peru.
Ad space for National Geographic UK, October 2014.
Multi-panel display design for Delfin Amazon Cruises at the 2014 Pure Experience Show and Awards in Marrakesh, Morocco. November 2014.
Exclusive menu design for VIP cruise departure, September 2014.
Web banner design.
Sample of Photoshop editing abilities.
Logo design for Delfin Amazon Cruises' new Kuyapa NGO, which serves underprivileged communities in the Peruvian Andean highlands and Amazon Rainforest.
Ad space for Ama La Mar, first edition, June 2014.
Delfin Amazon Cruises

Delfin Amazon Cruises located in Lima and Iquitos, Peru, is the pioneer of luxury cruising in the Peruvian Amazon. Aboard the elegant Delfin I and Delfin II vessels, travelers are able to intimately explore the pristine Pacaya Samiria National Reserve through soft excursions led by top naturalist guides, locally inspired gourmet meals, and world class service.

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